Monthly Archives: February 2016

Multiple Google Accounts

So as of today I am fed up with how Google Drive handles multiple accounts—hooray for having a ualberta account with unlimited storage! So handy! But wait, if I want to switch between my personal google account and ualberta account, Drive has to re-download all the fricking files?!? No thank you!

And I found a thread from 2012 asking for this feature—mostly people like us, with a work account and a personal account. But no actual solution (a lot of third-party pay solutions).

Relatedly, I’m sick of my calendars being intermingled, my YouTube search history for personal stuff coming up in class when I’m showing AI videos, etc, etc.

I’m setting up multiple users. That’s it. I don’t necessarily like this, but I think Mac handles multiple user accounts better than Google does. I can directly manage permissions between the two users on my laptop, by sharing files and whatnot, without requiring that the files actually be duplicated across Google drive accounts. Because I don’t really want my personal files shared to my school folder, because that is the school’s property.

Presumably then I can switch to my school account for lectures, and swap back to my personal account for general use.

I’ll keep you posted with how this goes.

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